Phacoemulsification combined with air bubble-assisted intraocular lens implantation

Phacoemulsification combined with air bubble-assisted intraocular lens implantation

Hyaluronan (Bausch&Lomb, USA) was filled into the anterior chamber through the 12:00 corneal incision of 1.8 mm and the 2:00 corneal incision of 0.8 mm. Capsule forceps were used to perform 5.0-5.5 mm continuous circular capsulorhexis. Phacoemulsification was carried out with Stellaris system and the residual cortex lentis was removed. IOL was loaded into the IOL injector, which was partially filled with hyaluronan and without hyaluronan in its head. The IOL was injected through 12:00 incision and an air-bubble was formed, which could maintain the shape of anterior chamber in the injection to avoid ocular tissue injury.

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Updated: May 27, 2021 — 3:45 am