The initial corneal incision was separated again with a syringe needle and a lens separator was used to separate the front and back of the sac. A flushing needle was used to inject an appropriate amount of sterile balanced salt solution into the sac to determine the location of the foreign body. The foreign bodies […]
Category: Media Center
Four-point intraocular lens suspension in treating intraocular lens dislocation
Four-point intraocular lens suspension in treating intraocular lens dislocation 1.Two straight needles with a double-armed 10/0 prolene suture (Alcon, USA) were punctured into the eye through the upper and lower margin of the 3:00 scleral incision, respectively. The two 25-gauge curved needles were punctured into the eye through the upper and lower margin of the […]
Accelerated epithelium-off corneal collagen cross-linking for teenagers with keratoconus
Accelerated epithelium-off corneal collagen cross-linking for teenagers with keratoconus Microcatheter-assisted circumferential trabeculotomy After disinfection, the eye speculum was placed and Oxybuprocaine Hydrochloride Eye Drops was applied in the operative eye, and the cornea was soaked with 18% ethanol for 20 seconds. When the corneal epithelium was loosened, the epithelial tissue within central 10 mm diameter […]