Clinical characteristics of pediatric ocular toxocariasis

Authors: Liu Jinghua,  Li Songfeng,  Deng Guangda,  Li Liang,  Ma Jing,  Ma Yan,  Lu Hai
DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2019.05.011
Published 2019-05-10
Cite as Chin J Exp Ophthalmol, 2019,37(5): 371-375.

Abstract                                  [View PDF] [Read Full text]


To describe the clinical manifestations of pediatric ocular toxocariasis.


The clinical data of 163 pediatric patients (163 eyes) with ocular toxocariasis from March 2012 to March 2018 at Beijing Tongren Hospital were retrospectively analyzed, with at least a follow-up of 5 months.The mean age of the patients was (7.03±2.54) years old, and 71.8% of the patients were male.The provenances, clinical features, color doppler image (CDI) and ultrasound biomicroscope (UBM) manifestations and treatment of the patients were retrospectively analyzed.


The patients were mainly from north area of China, 72.4% of the patients came from rural area, and 59.5% had a history of close contact with cats or dogs; 84.8% of the patients had an initial best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of less than 0.1, 48.5% of the patients had peripheral granuloma formation, most cases presented with manifestations of chronic inflammation, such as lamellar vitreous opacity, tractional retinal detachment and band-shaped degenerations of the cornea.CDI examination demonstrated tractional retinal detachment in 84.4% of the patients and UBM detected that 52.7% of the patients had peripheral vitreoretinal pathologies ranged more than 6 clock-hours.Eighty-four percent of the patients undergone vitrectomy for severe vitreous opacity and/ or tractional detachment.


Most of the patients are school-age children, with a history of close contact of cats or dogs, and have poor visual acuity and severe clinical manifestations, such as vitreous opacity and/ or tractional detachment which needed vitrectomy.CDI and UBM are helpful in confirming the scope and severity of introcuar pathologies.

Key words:

Uveitis; Ocular toxoariasis; Children

Contributor Information

Liu Jinghua
Beijing Tongren Eye Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Key Laboratory of Beijing Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Beijing 100730, China
Li Songfeng
Deng Guangda
Li Liang
Ma Jing
Ma Yan
Lu Hai
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