Four-point intraocular lens suspension in treating intraocular lens dislocation
1.Two straight needles with a double-armed 10/0 prolene suture (Alcon, USA) were punctured into the eye through the upper and lower margin of the 3:00 scleral incision, respectively. The two 25-gauge curved needles were punctured into the eye through the upper and lower margin of the 9:00 scleral incision to guide the two stitching straight needles out of the eyeball respectively.
2.The C-shape haptic of intraocular lens was pulled out through 10:00 transparent corneal incision, and two sutures were knotted on C-shape haptic.
3.The other C-shape haptic of intraocular lens was pulled out through 10:00 transparent corneal incision, and two sutures were knotted on C-shape haptic. The haptic was put into anterior chamber, and the intraocular lens was adjusted to the rear of the iris plane.
4.Four suspended sutures at 3:00 and 9:00 were tightened to center the intraocular lens.