Phacoemulsification combined with gonioscopy-assited angle plasty

Phacoemulsification combined with gonioscopy-assited angle plasty

Intraoperatively, a clear corneal incision was made in the superior or superior temporal region. The viscoelastic was injected into the anterior chamber. Lens capsule rupture was performed. Liquid-liquid fractionation was performed with balanced salt solution. The lens nucleus was ultrasonically emulsified, and the lens cortex was aspirated with an IA needle. The viscoelastic was injected into the capsule, and a collapsible IOL (Hoya250, HOYA Co., Ltd., Japan) was implanted. Initial angioplasty was performed by injecting viscoelastic throughout the entire angle with a viscoelastic needle. The location and extent of peripheral anterior synechiae were examined with an intraoperative gonioscope (Ocular Ahmed 1.3X Surgical Gonio Lens-H, Ocular Corporation, USA), and a second angioplasty was performed in eyes with incomplete opening angle.

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Updated: January 29, 2023 — 8:27 am