Progress of optical coherence tomography in retinopathy of prematurity

Authors: Liang Chaoqun,  Chen Changzheng

DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2019.06.019
Published 2019-06-10
Cite as Chin J Exp Ophthalmol, 2019,37(6): 493-496.

Abstract                              [View PDF] [Read Full Text]

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is one of the important causes of visual impairment in children.The current diagnosis relies mainly on the wide-field digital retinal imaging system (RetCam) and binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy.In recent years, the applications of handheld optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optical coherence tomography (OCTA) techniques in ROP have helped to observe some characteristics in ROP, such as cystoid macular changes (CMCs), shallower foveal depression, macular epiretinal membrane and other special clinical manifestations.OCT is used for follow-up observation of ROP, it can measure the retinal layers, choroidal thickness, macular foveal vascular density and other indicators, and can evaluate the therapeutic effect on macular, retina and choroidal development and visual acuity.OCT promotes a better understanding of ROP, and helps us to gain more information about ROP.

Key words:

Optical coherence tomography; Retinopathy of prematurity; Macula; Retina; Choroid; Visual acuity; Review

Contributor Information

Liang Chaoqun
Department of Ophthalmology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China
Chen Changzheng
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Updated: December 28, 2022 — 3:37 am