Category: 2017

Anastalsis of triamcinolone acetonide during vitrectomy in proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Authors: Zhou Yanjie,  You Caiyun,  Wang Tian,  Zhang Mingxue,  Song Yinting,  Liao Mengyu,  Han Han,  Zhang Zhuhong,  Li Jianan,  Yan Hua DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2017.05.011 Published 2017-05-10 Cite as Chin J Exp Ophthalmol, 2017,35(5): 439-442. Abstract                              [Download PDF] [Read Full Text] Background Clinical work found that triamcinolone acetonide (TA)bleeding during vitrectomy in proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), but […]

Excitatory toxicity of glutamate on meningothelial cells of optic nerve sheaths and its oxidative stress mechanism

Authors: Xin Xiaorong,  Gong Tianxiang,  Hong Ying,  Dang Hong DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2017.05.009 Published 2017-05-10 Cite as Chin J Exp Ophthalmol, 2017,35(5): 432-437. Abstract                              [Download PDF] [Read Full Text] Background  Meningothelial cells (MECs) occupy the predominant cell component of barrier between optic nerve and the cerebral spinal fluid, and any change […]

Effects of interleukin-6 in promoting corneal epithelial stem/progenitor cell regeneration and accelerating corneal epithelial wound healing in diabetic mouse

Authors: Dong Yahui,  Chen Peng,  Zhang Zhenzhen,  Feng Lu,  Zhou Qingjun DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2017.05.008 Published 2017-05-10 Cite as Chin J Exp Ophthalmol, 2017,35(5): 423-431. Abstract                              [Download PDF] [Read Full Text] Background Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a pleiotropic cytokine involving in inflammation and wound healing.Previous report found that IL-6 […]

The promoting effects of insulin-like growth factor 1 on the biological behaviour of human retinal vascular endothelial cells

Authors: Wang Mengjiao,  Liu Gaoqin,  Xu Jing,  Li Dan,  Lu Peirong DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2017.05.007 Published 2017-05-10 Cite as Chin J Exp Ophthalmol, 2017,35(5): 417-422. Abstract                               [Download PDF] [Read Full Text] Background The suppression of retinal angiogenesis is one of primary treatment targets for retinal vascular diseases, so seeking the intervention targets […]

A pilot molecular mechanism study on lacrimal gland as a potential human immunodeficiency virus reservoir

Authors: Liu Ziyang,  Liu Xiaowei,  Ye Junjie,  Han Yang,  Li Taisheng,  Huo Zhen DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2017.05.005 Published 2017-05-10 Cite as Chin J Exp Ophthalmol, 2017,35(5): 410-415. Abstract                              [Download PDF] [Read Full Text] Background Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is an infectious disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). […]

Protective effect of rapamycin on hypoxia-injuried retinal ganglion cells and its mechanism

Authors: Ren Jing,  Qin Bo,  Zou Chang,  He Jing,  Liu Shenwen DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2017.05.004 Published 2017-05-10 Cite as Chin J Exp Ophthalmol, 2017,35(5): 404-409. Abstract                               [Download PDF] [Read Full Text] Background Studies showed that rapamycin (Rapa) plays a protective effect on central nervous system by improving the aging of human brain […]

Effects of low-dose of TGF-β1 on maintaining bovine corneal stromal cell growth and retarding extra cellular matrix fibrosis in a three-dimensional culture model

Authors: Zhang Lu,  Luo Shinan,  Yuan Jianbao,  Zhou Weiwei,  Li Xia  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2017.05.003 Published 2017-05-10 Cite as Chin J Exp Ophthalmol, 2017,35(5): 396-403. Abstract                               [Download PDF] [Read Full Text] Background Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) plays an important role in corneal wound healing.The effects of TGF-β1 on the synthesis of extra […]

Prevention and management of ophthalmic anaesthesia-related complications

Authors: Li Wensheng,  Chen Xiaodong DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2017.05.002 Published 2017-05-10 Cite as Chin J Exp Ophthalmol, 2017,35(5): 391-395. Abstract                              [Download PDF] [Read Full Text] Advances in ophthalmic surgery, together with achieving greater patient safety, have changed the requirements, methods and choice of regional anaesthesia of the eyes.So far, […]

Paying attention to the concept and research of pachychoroid disease spectrum

Authors: Zhang Xinyuan,  Timothy Y.Y.Lai. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2017.05.001 Published 2017-05-10 Cite as Chin J Exp Ophthalmol, 2017,35(5): 385-390. Abstract                              [Download PDF] [Read Full Text] Pachychoroid disease spectrum is a novel concept in ophthalmology upon the development of ocular diagnosis and treatment.Recent breakthroughs and advancements in OCT imaging technology […]

Advances in genetic study of primary open angle glaucoma

Authors: Yao Yihua,  Zhu Yihua,  Yang Juhua DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2017.06.018 Published 2017-06-10 Cite as Chin J Exp Ophthalmol, 2017,35(06): 572-576. Abstract                               [Download PDF] [Read Full Text] Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is a complex and heterogeneous neurodegenerative disease caused by genetic and environmental factors, and […]